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Do you need to freshen up your good old Suzuki DR650?

Most likely, you got an issue of fuel overflowing somewhere or carburation issues.


In most cases, replacing all those tiny seals and wear parts on the carb. is needed to get your bike working properly again. It's fairly straightforward and will go a long way to have it run smoothly all the time.


The new fuel these days is more aggressive on the rubber parts of the carburetor and they do need replacement after a few years.


This affordable kit contains all the main seals to rebuild one carburetor like new again!

Parts like gaskets, seals, and O-rings, plus specialty parts that may wear out or clog up over time, also include the float needle valve (often overflow issue)


Before you think of opening your carb, pick up this carb screw replacement set and save yourself the headache for when you strip those damned JIS (Japanese Industry Standard) screws. We've all done it!

Tusk BST40 Carburetor Rebuild Kit

SKU: 1635690124-TK-26-1104
    • Tusk rebuild kit for BST40 carburetor

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